Account basics
- Sign up for Ans
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Question banks
- Manage question banks
- Manage question bank users
- Manage question bank exercises
- Import exercises
- Import metadata (beta)
- Export exercises from your question bank
- Assignment types
- General assignment settings
- Manage your assignment template
- Schedule an assignment
- Export options for exercises, questions and insights
- Export an archive of all files that were uploaded during an assignment (beta)
Exercises & Questions
- Manage exercises
- Manage questions
- Add a grading scheme to your questions
- Overview of description types
- Parameterise questions
- Use automatic scoring for closed-ended questions
Question types
- Overview of question types
- Open question for digital tests
- Open question for written assignments
- Multiple choice question
- Code editor question
- Drawing question (beta)
See all 8 articlesResults
- Calculate a mark
- Examples of mark calculations
- Mark calculation variables
- Guess correction
- View results
- Publish results
Insights & Analytics
Domains & Objectives
Assignment integrations
- Use a Blackboard LTI-link in your assignment
- Use a Brightspace LTI-link in your assignment
- Use the Canon integration in your written assignment
- Use a Canvas LTI-link in your assignment
- Use a Moodle LTI-link in your assignment
- Use Ouriginal in your assignment
Digital test
- What is a digital test
- Create a digital test
- Use flow in a digital test
- Customise the layout of your digital test
- Add accessibility options to your digital test
- Secure a digital test
Written assignment
- What is a written assignment
- Create a written assignment
- Save a written assignment to a question bank
- Add instructions to your written assignment
- Edit the layout of your written assignment
- Use custom LaTeX packages