lightbulb_outline This question type can be used in both a digital test and a written assignment.
A multiple choice question is one of the most used question types within Ans. In a multiple choice question, the student need to select either one or multiple options from within a range of options provided by the question. The alternatives of a multiple choice question can also be shuffled randomly for all students.
Questions can be created either in a question bank exercise or from within a course assignment. The video below demonstrates creating the questions from the question bank exercise.
Create a multiple choice question
- Navigate to your question bank or your assignment.
- Click New exercise, fill in a name and click Save.
- Click New question and select Multiple choice.
- Formulate the question in the question content field. You can make use of the rich content editor, for example to insert equations or images.
- Fill in the number of points the question is worth.
- Click the dropdown menu Correct alternatives* and choose One or Multiple.
- Three buttons are shown below the dropdown menu:
Shuffle alternatives
Shuffles the alternatives once. They will be displayed in that order for every student. Shuffling alternatives for each student is an option under the assignment settings. -
Sort alternatives
Sorts the alternatives in alphabetical order or in numerical order. If the alternatives were for example red, blue, white. Then the alternatives would be sorted as, blue, red, and white. -
Negative points
If this button is selected, Ans will automatically add negative points to all incorrect alternatives. If for example, there are three possible alternatives and the correct alternative is worth 5 points, the two incorrect alternatives will result in -2.5 points if selected by the participant. To 'reset' the negative points, you will have to delete the negative points and change them back to 0. They will not reset by clicking 'Negative points' again.
Additionally, the button will add an extra alternative with a question mark which gives a participant 0 points.
Shuffle alternatives
- Click Add alternative and fill in the alternative. You can also make use of the rich content editor by pressing the mode_edit-icon.
- Fill in the number of points that can be earned for that specific alternative. If you have multiple correct options, you can determine the distribution of points yourself.
- You can fill in standardised feedback for the alternatives. This feedback will only be visible during the publication of a test. If you want to show feedback during the test, use the feedback possibilities which can be defined in the grading scheme.
- If preferred, you can also set the Fixed starting position. This allows you to fill in the position of the alternative when shuffling the answer options is enabled. This option is used for example if one of the alternatives is 'All of the above'. In this situation, you'd like to show this particular alternative always as last option. Fill in the numerical position of this alternative to fixate it to that position. For example, if you have four alternatives, you can use the number 4 to show this alternative as fourth and last option.
- Repeat steps 11 until 14 for all alternative.
- Click the more_vert-icon for options to change the order of an alternative, or to delete it. You can also change the order of alternatives by dragging and dropping the alternative.
- Click Save.
Options for a multiple choice question
This marks the question as a bonus question, which means the number of points awarded with this question will be counted until the maximum amount of points achievable for this assignment is reached. The points of the bonus question are not included in the maximum amount of points that can be achieved for the assignment If the student answers the question incorrectly, this will not be detracted from the number of points and the mark.
You will first need to assign which students are exempt from answering this question within the settings of your course. You can then enable which questions can be skipped by these students. During the taking session of a digital test, students will see the content_cut next to the question to indicate that it is skippable for them. Although they can still see the question, they are not able to answer it.
For written assignments, skippable questions will include a content_cut icon to indicate that students with the right to skip questions are exempt from answering them. Please note that if a question in a written assignment is set to 'Skippable', this icon will appear on all written assignments, including for students who do not have the right to skip exercises.
The number of points for this question will not be counted in their results. It is not possible to change this setting after the test has been taken.
Partial scoring
Students will receive points when their answer is partly correct. For example, if the total number of points they can receive for a question is 2 and their answer is 50% correct, they will still receive 1 point. Without this option, they can only receive 0 or the maximum number of points.
For written assignments, Ans offers the following extra options:
Start on new page
By using this option, Ans forces the question to be printed on a new page.
Stack alternatives vertically
The default for written assignments is to stack the multiple choice options horizontally. This is so the space on the paper is used as effective as possible. However, if the length of the alternatives overwrites the total width of the paper, Ans will stack the alternatives vertically, regardless of the default option.
Add a grading scheme to a multiple choice question
- Click Grading scheme tab at the top of the assignment or question bank exercise.
- Go to the question for which you want to set the grading scheme.
- Click the more_horiz-icon and click Edit.
- It is optional to fill in feedback that is shown to students when:
- the question is answered correctly
- the question is answered partially correctly
- the question is answered incorrectly
This feedback is shown if the option 'Feedback' is enabled under the assignment accessibility settings.
- Fill in the number of points each alternative is worth.
- Filling in feedback for each alternative is optional.
- You can use the Calculate points button to calculate the maximum points. The points of all the criteria will be summed up automatically. Alternatively, you can manually set the maximum number of points.
- Click the more_vert-icon for more grading options.
- Click Save.
lightbulb_outline For multiple choice questions with one correct answer, it is now possible to mark multiple alternatives as correct. While students can still select only one alternative, they will receive full points if they choose any of the marked correct alternatives.
Options for grading a multiple choice question
Model answer
A solution for the reviewers (and for participants when published). The model answer can be an extensive elaboration, an image, or a file.
Use automatic scoring
When you use automatic scoring for grading, you will need to select the correct alternatives. The platform will automatically award the number of points set in the grading scheme for the question, either the full or partial points, depending on the setting. Disabling this option makes it possible to adjust the number of points awarded with each alternative. Both with the option enabled and disabled, the platform will automatically review the question, the difference is being able to differentiate between the number of points awarded for each alternative.
Start with zero points
If this option is enabled the marking of this question will always start at zero points and the points will be added up when selecting the criteria. When this option is disabled, the marking will start with the maximum amount of points that can be awarded for this question and selecting the criteria will be subtracted from this maximum. This means that the criteria should be added as minus points of the total amount. The reviewer can then select the criteria if the student did not meet this with their answer, so it can be detracted from the total amount of points.
Limit minimum to zero points
With this option enabled, it’s not possible to go below zero points when selecting the different criteria. It is still possible to manually adjust the number of points to go below zero with the adjustment option during the reviewing.
Limit maximum to total points
In the grading settings it’s possible to set the maximum amount of points achievable with the question, separate from the points per criteria When this number deviates from the maximum amount achievable by adding up the criteria points, this option will cap the maximum amount of points to this manually set number.
Options for feedback on a multiple choice question
For multiple choice questions (automatically graded) you can provide feedback on answer level and on alternative level. In this article you can read more about it.
Grading of multiple choice questions in a written assignment
When recognising each individual multiple choice answer, we categorise them in 3 different states.
0: The circle has been left empty
1: The circle has a cross
2: The circle is fully coloured
This recognition is done with "neural network" that has been trained on thousands of differently circles, but has a small margin of error. This means there is a small chance that Ans may interpret the question differently than intended. The recognition can also be influenced by the type of pen/pencil used and the quality of the scan.
Be aware that Ans makes a "crop" of the circle, meaning any indication outside the circle is ignored. For example, adding an arrow is not taken into account when recognising choices.
Grading of multiple response questions in a written assignment
When recognising each individual multiple response answer, we categorise them in 4 different states.
0: The box has been left empty
1: The box has a cross
2: The box is fully coloured
3. The box has been corrected because there is large cross outside of the fully coloured box.
This recognition is done with "neural network" that has been trained on thousands of differently checked boxes, but has a small margin of error. This means there is a small chance that Ans may interpret the question differently than intended. The recognition can also be influenced by the type of pen/pencil used and the quality of the scan.
Ans does not automatically grade multiple response question if it identifies different states of answers. Instead the question will remain ungraded and will require manual review. This is a safety precaution to prevent multiple response choices from being graded incorrectly.
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