Domains and objectives can be created in the same places as where you create questions and exercises. These places are in the question bank and in a course. In these two places, you can create new domains and objectives by either manually creating them or by importing them via a .csv template. Also, you can edit and delete domains and objectives.
Below you will find descriptions of the different options you have to manage your domains and objectives.
Import and export
To import domains and objectives at once, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to your course or question bank.
- Click fact_check Objectives in the menu at the top.
- Click Import.
- Click Browse for a file and select the file, or drag and drop the file into the dialog. When you click Download template file a template will be downloaded automatically which you can fill in.
- Click Import.
To export domains and objectives to either a CSV or xlsx file, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to your course or question bank.
- Click fact_check Objectives in the menu at the top.
- Click the dropdown menu Export and choose either CSV or XLSX.
- Save or print the webpage to download the file.
In case you are using domains and objectives to create blueprint(s), it's also possible to import the blueprint. As domains and objectives are a part of the blueprint, they will be added to the question bank after importing the blueprint. You can read more on how to import blueprints here.
Manually add domains and objectives
To add objectives manually, you first have to add the domain(s). After that, you can add objectives per domain. To add domains and objectives, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to your course or question bank.
- Click fact_check Objectives in the menu at the top.
- Click New domain.
- Fill in the name of the domain.
- Click Save.
- Click New objective.
- Use the rich content editor to create the objective. This can be for example an image, plain text or audio. It's possible to combine these possibilities.
- Click Save.
Edit and delete objectives and domains
You can edit the content of existing objectives and domains or delete them permanently.
Click the more_horiz-icon. There, select either Edit or Delete. In case you edit objectives and domains which are connected to questions, Ans will automatically process these adjustments. In case you delete domains or objectives, they will be also removed from the questions to which they were connected to.
It is possible to shift the order of objectives within a domain by dragging the objective to the desired position. The same can be done with the order of domains.
Add domains from existing courses or question banks
To add domains including underlying objectives from other question banks or courses, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to your course or question bank.
- Click fact_check Objectives in the menu at the top.
- Click Add domain.
- You will see an overview of all domains of question banks and courses that you have access to.
- Search for the domain that you want to add by using the search bar and selecting it.
- Click Save.
Interchange domains and objectives
All domains and objectives are interchangeable, regardless if you start creating questions from a course or from a question bank. In case you connect objectives to questions in a question bank and an assignment with these questions is scheduled for a course, the domains and objectives are copied to the course. This only is applicable if the domains and objectives did not exist in the course before. If you start the workflow of creating questions in a course and you add questions to a question bank, the connected learning objectives are added to the question bank as well.
Use domains and objectives
Domains and objectives have multiple purposes in Ans. As described above, they can be used to create blueprints. Blueprints are used to generate (randomised) assignments which can be used over years. This prevents you to create assignments each year again. This part of the article explains what you need to do to start using domains and objectives.
After you have created your domains and objectives, you can start connecting objectives to your questions. If you have not created domains and objectives in your question bank or your course, please refer back to the section 'Manage domains and objectives above.
You can add objectives to questions from a question bank and from a course. For both ways of working, you need to navigate to the objectives part. As the navigation is slightly different for each method, we will explain them separately.
Connect objectives in a course
- Navigate to your course or use the search bar.
- Select your assignment or use the search bar.
- Click the tab Objectives at the top.
- Click on the question you want to add objective(s) to and click the add icon in the bar of the question. If an exercise has no questions, it will not show up here.
- Select the objective(s) or search for the objective(s) and select the ones that belong to that specific question and click Add.
Connect objectives in a question bank
- Click folder Question banks in the menu at the top.
- Select your question bank or use the search bar.
- Click assignment Question bank assignments in the menu at the top.
- Select your assignment or use the search bar.
- Click on the exercise you want to add objective(s) to.
- In the exercise click on the tab Objectives.
- Click the add-icon in the bar of a question. If an exercise has no questions, it will not show up here.
- Select the objective(s) or search for the objective(s) and select the ones that belong to that specific question and click Add.
After you have connected all objectives to a question, you can start using the domains and objectives to create blueprints. This option is only possible from a question bank. After the administration of your test, you can see the insights of the objectives analysis under the insights page of your assignment.
Start creating a blueprint.
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