A blueprint is a composition of questions that are used in an assignment. Blueprints are used to automatically generate a written assignment or a digital test. The composition of the assignment is done based on learning objectives. A blueprint selects questions as follows: all questions within an exercise can be linked to an objective. In a blueprint, you can set the number of questions you want from a particular objective. Before you can start working with a blueprint, you will need the following prerequisites:
- You need to have access to at least one question bank.
- Your questions need to be connected to objectives.
The use of a blueprint is optional but highly recommended. The advantages of using blueprints and objectives to automatically generate assignments are:
- to create an exam with a balanced complexity.
- to create an exam in line with the study goals of a course.
- to compose an exam faster and more efficient.
- to compose assignments that correspond better to assignments from previous years if the same blueprint is used.
- to prevent fraud, as you can randomise the selected questions for each student.
- to gain better insights into the learning results per objective.
What’s next
Start to manage your blueprint.
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