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Insights are an easy way to gain insight into the composition and results of an assignment. Insights allow the instructor to see details regarding marks, points and general characteristics of the assignment. These insights can also be filtered on a group or a class by making use of the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
Follow the steps below to see where you can view your Insights.
- Click the domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click label_importantCourses in the menu at the top.
- Select your course or use the search bar.
- Select your assignment or use the search bar.
- Click analytics Insights in the menu at the top.
- Click Overview in the menu on the left.
This brings you to the insights overview of your assignment, in which you'll find the following:
The number of exercises in the assignment. -
Maximum points
The maximum amount of points a participant can receive. -
Guess score
The guess score is the number of points that can theoretically be obtained by the participant by guessing. The calculation of the guess score is explained in the article on guess correction.
The guess score differs per participant for randomly generated exams. If the guess score cannot be calculated for the whole student population, Ans will show NaN (Not a Number). -
Randomly generated
If Flow was used in an assignment, then the assignment will be randomly generated. Only digital tests can be randomly generated.
Note: if the assignment is randomly generated, the 'Exercises' and 'Guess score' fields will display the total amount of exercises and guess score of the assignment, rather than the amount of exercises given to students by the flow.
The number of participants that took part in the assignment. -
Pass rate
The percentage of participants that received a passing mark. -
KR20 / alpha
The assignment's reliability. It has a value between 0 and 1 and a higher value means higher reliability. The KR20 is depending on the standard deviation and the amount of (in)correct answers from participants. -
Standard deviation points
The standard deviation shows the average difference in the number of points, compared with the average amount of points. This number represents the spread of the scores of the participants. A higher standard deviation suggests that there are (too) many outliers. If the standard deviation is low compared to the average score, the scores are likely to be normally distributed. -
Standard measurement error
The standard measurement error shows the accuracy of the outcome of the exam. The value indicates how likely the answers of the participants represent the actual knowledge of participants. The standard measurement error is dependent on the standard deviation and the KR20 value.
The marks show the minimum, maximum, average and median marks. The chart also shows the participants that passed and the participants that failed the assignment. The pass threshold is determined in the Mark calculation menu. If you use the mark calculation 'none', or if you use a formula where the marks are equal to the points, the maximum score of the graph will be set to the maximum score of the exercises. For example, if you have five exercises which are all worth one point, the graph will show the results of the students from zero to five. If you are using a randomised assignment, or if you are using flow, the maximum score of the graph will be the sum of all questions combined.
The points (out of) show the minimum, maximum, average and median number of points. You can move your cursor over the graph to see the student number and the number of points that the participant received.
The duration (in minutes) shows the minimum, maximum, average and median duration of the test. Please keep in mind, that this option is only visible for digital tests. You can also move your cursor over the graph to see the student number and the number of minutes it took that participant to complete the assignment.
error_outline Most data shown in the Insights environment are not reliable for small amounts of data (participants). Keep this in mind when making conclusions based on the analytics in this overview.
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