A written assignment is an assignment that is created digitally and can be printed for students to take offline on location. The administration of the assignment will take place on paper and once students are finished with their assignment, the printed documents can be scanned and uploaded back into Ans. The uploaded assignments can then be reviewed digitally in Ans.
After uploading the scans, Ans will organise the scans back into individual results per student and will automatically review the closed-ended questions. Thereafter, you can start reviewing the open-ended questions that are not reviewed automatically.
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Benefits of a written assignment
Create, review and assess digitally
As mentioned before, students will take a written assignment offline on location. The rest of the testing procedure can be done digitally. Written assignments are created, reviewed, assessed and published in Ans, in the same way as for digital tests.
Printing services
To help with the printing and scanning of written assignments, we offer the possibility to use the printing services integrations Canon and Rijnja.
Shuffle the answer alternatives for each question
Within a written assignment, you have the option to edit the layout and content of your assignment. Multiple choice instructions can be added to the cover page of the written assignment to instruct students on how to fill in this question type. There is also the possibility to shuffle the answer alternatives of multiple choice questions to help prevent cheating.
Convert into a digital test
In cases where a student needs to take the test at home, it is possible to convert the written assignment into a digital test. After converting, a copy is made of the written assignment and both the written assignment and the digital test will stay available in the assignment overview.
Review together digitally
To distribute the workload, reviewing a written assignment can be done together. In order to save time while reviewing, reviewers can be assigned to groups and/or exercises.
Variety of automatically graded question
When creating questions for your written assignments, you can use several question types that can be graded automatically to save time while grading.
No need to import students in advance
As opposed to digital tests, it is not necessary to add or import students in advance in order for them to take a written assignment created in Ans. If students' fill in their student number on the cover page of a written assignment, they will be automatically enrolled after uploading the scanned assignments. You then also have the option to validate these enrolments.
Question types that can be used in a written assignment
- Free formatted question
- Image question
- Multiple choice question
- Open question
- Open question with final answer
What’s next
Create a written assignment.
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