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The grading scheme is dependent on the question type. All closed-ended questions have their own type of grading scheme. Listed below are the closed question types that can be used. Click on the question type to find out how to add a grading scheme to each closed-ended question type.
- Multiple choice question
- Order question
- Match question
- Hotspot question
- Hotspot Match question
- Fill-in question
- Mathematical equation question
- Numerical question
Open-ended question types can be graded by using the grading methods, points per criterion, slider or rubrics with levels. Listed below are the open-ended question types that can be used.
- Open question
- Code editor question
- File upload question
- Free formatted question
- Image question
- Drawing question
- Spreadsheet question
To add a grading scheme to open question types, follow the steps below:
- Click the tab Grading scheme at the top of your assignment. Alternatively, click the button To grading scheme from within an exercise.
- Go to the question for which you want to set the grading scheme.
- Click the more_horiz-icon and click Edit.
- Click the dropdown menu Grading type* and choose your method.
- Click the more_vert-icon for more grading options.
- Click Save.
Grading methods:
Points per criterion
With points per criterion, you can specify the steps a student needs to perform in order to get to the correct answer. To use the grading points per criterion, follow the steps below.
- Click the tab Grading scheme at the top of your assignment. Alternatively, click the button To grading scheme from within an exercise.
- Go to the question for which you want to set the grading scheme.
- Click the more_horiz-icon and click Edit.
- Click the dropdown menu Grading type* and choose Points per criterion.
- Set the maximum number of points.
- (Optional) Fill in the model answer.
- Click Save.
- Click the add-icon.
- Set the number of points and fill in the criterion description.
- Click Save.
- Repeat this for all criteria
You can use the Calculate points button to calculate the maximum points. The points of all the criteria will be summed up automatically or you can manually set the maximum number of points.
As you can see in the screenshot above, it is not possible to change the grading type after adding criteria. Please delete all criteria in order to change the grading type. Also, if you do not add any criteria, you will not be able to review the exercise.
With a slider, you can manually award the number of points between zero and the maximum points of the question. To use the grading method slider, follow the steps below.
- Click the tab Grading scheme at the top of your assignment. Alternatively, click the button To grading scheme from within an exercise.
- Go to the question for which you want to set the grading scheme.
- Click the more_horiz-icon and click Edit.
- Click the dropdown menu Grading type* and choose Slider.
- Set the maximum number of points.
- (Optional) Fill in the model answer.
- Click Save.
Rubrics with levels
If you use a rubric, you have the possibility to define levels (for example insufficient - sufficient - good), include a description and add points to each level. You can select one level when grading. This is the main difference between points per criteria and rubrics with levels, as for criteria you can select multiple (or all) criteria.
- Click the tab Grading scheme at the top of your assignment. Alternatively, click the button To grading scheme from within an exercise.
- Go to the question for which you want to set the grading scheme.
- Click the more_horiz-icon and click Edit.
- Click the dropdown menu Grading type* and choose Rubric with levels.
- Fill in the Weight* and the Maximum points*.
- (Optional) Fill in the model answer.
- Click Save.
- Click the add-icon.
- Fill in the Level name*.
- Set the number of points.
- Fill in the evaluation criterion description.
- Click Save
- Repeat this for all levels.
You can use the Calculate points button to calculate the maximum points. Ans will then add the points from the highest level here. Alternatively, you can manually set the maximum number of points.
As you can see in the screenshot above, it is not possible to change the grading type after adding levels. Please delete all levels in order to change the grading type.
Reuse rubric level
When using rubric with levels in a hand-in assignment, it is possible to reuse the rubric levels in another question from within the same hand-in assignment. This is useful if you have multiple questions using this grading type that have a similar grading scheme.
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