In the assignment log, changes to the assignment and assignment settings are displayed. Changes to the following attributes can be viewed:
- Assignment type
- Assignment label
- When the assignment is created
- When a timeslot is created or updated
- Name of the assignment
- When the assignment type is changed
- When the assessment is summative
- Whether the assignment has guess correction enabled
- Whether marks have upper and lower limits, and what those limits are
- When publication timeslots are created, updated or deleted
- Rounding (how marks should be rounded)
- Marking formula
- Mark calculation
- Pass mark
- If the assignment is moved to another course
- External ID
- Link to the question bank assignment
- Accessibility settings:
- Multiple attempts
- Password
- Restricted access to other pages
- Restricted assignment access locations
- Live chat
- Code editor
- Digital notes
- Spellchecker
- Calculator
- Feedback
- One way navigation
- Require answer
- Deny reopening flow groups
- Allow comments after the test
- Descriptions before/during/after the test
- Display all alternatives vertically
- Show date and time on cover
- Display the exercise name
- Enumeration
- Display the number of points for each question
- Integrity statement
- Custom LaTeX packages and macros
- Exercise box
- Shuffle flow groups
- Keep second page empty
- Show multiple choice instructions
- Display names of flow groups
- Shuffle the answer alternatives for each question
- Ask for student name
Next to that, on exercise level, changes to the following information will be logged:
- Code editor
- Changes to the setting to view the exercise only once
Changes to the following information on description level will be logged:
- Content & content type of descriptions
- Images (full image width, caption)
- Code (coding language)
- Video (YouTube URL)
On question level, you will see an overview of the following information:
- Question content
- Question type
- Maximum points
- Bonus and skippable
- Word limit
- Correct alternatives toggle for multiple choice questions (one/multiple)
- Limit minimum to zero points
- Partial scoring
- Order type in order questions
- Page height of the answer field in written assignments
- Assigning objectives
- Grading scheme (grading type, name, points and description or rubrics and criteria)
To view the assignment log, follow the steps below.
- Click the domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click on label_important Courses in the menu at the top.
- Select your course or use the search bar.
- Click settings Settings in the menu at the top.
- Click Log in the menu on the left.
The assignment log will be displayed.
Additionally to having an overview of activity within an assignment, with the logs feature it is also possible to restore changes. The changes that can be restored are changes made to the exercises and changes made to the content and the grading scheme of questions. The attributes that can be restored are:
- Name
- Code editor
- Time limit
Content of questions
- Question content
- Question type
- Correct alternatives
- Word limit
- Order type in order questions
- Page height of the answer field in written assignments
Grading scheme of questions
- Maximum points
- Bonus and skippable
- Grading type
- Limit minimum to zero points
- Total points
- Partial scoring
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