error_outline Your ability to perform these actions may depend on the privilege settings of your school. Please contact your school administrators if you do not have permission to perform certain actions.
When creating a digital test, you can adjust the settings of your test. This includes adding attachments and enabling different accessibility settings. This includes enabling different access settings and utilities or enforcing a certain type of navigation. Below is a more detailed description of each option that can be enabled for your digital test.
To configure accessibility options for your test, follow the steps below.
- Click the domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click label_important Courses in the menu at the top.
- Select your course or use the search bar.
- Select your assignment or use the search bar.
- Click settings Settings in the menu at the top.
- Click Accessibility in the menu on the left.
- Check the boxes that apply. The options depend on the assignment type.
The following options are specific accessibility permissions to allow participants access to their digital test.
Multiple attempts
For a practice test, you may want to allow your participants to take the test multiple times. You can allow multiple attempts by first enabling the option and then filling in the number of attempts the participants can make. Confirm by clicking Save. This setting is also available for hand-in assignments. Ans will always show the highest mark of all attempts in the result overview and also export the highest mark when exporting the results. If the mark calculation is set to 'None', the attempt with the highest points is exported.
Access code
Participants are required to enter an access code to access the assignment. If you prefer your participants to enter an access code to access the test, you can enable this option. When you click on the access code box, a random access code will automatically be generated for you. You can also delete this access code and create your own. Confirm the access code by clicking Save. If this access code is changed during a live test, participants that are already busy with the test will be able to continue. Digital tests with an access code can only be unlocked 15 minutes before the start of the test. Please note that the student cannot actually click on the start button until the starting time.
Restricted access to other pages
If you want to block your participants from leaving the current test to look at other assignments, such as a previous practice test, you can enable this option to restrict access. Once the participants have started the test, they are not able to leave the until they have submitted their result.
Restrict assignment access locations
If you require your participants to take an test from a specified location, such as an examination hall at your school, you can enable this option and select one or multiple locations. If you would like to add more locations contact your administrator or find out more information here.
In this section, you can choose which utilities the participants may use during their test.
Digital notes
If this option is enabled, participants can make digital notes during the digital test. Digital notes can only be seen by the participants during the live test and not by instructors or reviewers during or after the digital test.
If spellchecker is enabled participants will be able to see red lines underneath spelling errors for both open questions and fill-in questions. This option uses the built-in spellchecker of the browser. This is not a spellchecker provided by Ans. We recommend only enabling spellchecker if the spelling is not a criterion for the test.
Allow participants to use the built-in calculator. You can select the basic or scientific calculator.
If you enable this option for your digital test, participants will be able to see if the answer they provided is correct, partially correct or incorrect. This option can be set for closed question only.
Live chat
If your school has live chat enabled, you are able to communicate with participants during the taking session of your digital test. You have the option to send an announcement to all participants or to start a chat with an individual participant. You can read more about this feature here.
In the navigation settings of a digital test, you can enforce a certain type of navigation. This includes enforcing one-way navigation and disabling participants from reopening a flow group after closing it.
One way navigation
Participants may only answer exercises once; they may not return to an exercise that they closed.
Deny reopening flow groups
Participants cannot reopen a flow group after closing.
Deny reopening flow groups
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