When a digital test is active, it is possible to monitor the progress of participants. On the taking page, you will see an overview of the participants that have not started the test yet, participants that are currently taking the test and participants that have submitted the test. You can also see the percentage of participants that have completed each exercise. If for some reason, a participant is not able to sign in to Ans to start their digital test, you can generate a one-time password token for them from the taking page.
In addition, you can also view when a participant started the test, when they last updated the test and the location from where the test is being taken.
To monitor the progress of a digital test, follow the steps below.
- Click the domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click label_important Courses in the menu at the top.
- Select your course or use the search bar.
- Select your assignment or use the search bar.
- Click play_circle_outline Taking in the menu at the top. By default, the page will open on the participants overview.
Participants overview
The participants overview gives an insight into three stages of the test:
Not started yet
In the 'Not started' section, you can see all of the participants that have not yet started the test. If you are missing any participants that should have access to the test, you can click on Manage participants to add more students to this course.
In the 'Busy' section you can see the participants that are currently taking the test. If you click on the more_vert icon next to the participant, you have the option to move them to 'Submitted'. Be aware that using this option will end the test for the participant. You may see that some participants still appear in the 'Busy' section after the timeslot has ended. This is just visual and they will automatically be moved to 'Submitted' within minutes. Even though they may appear in the 'Busy' section, they cannot continue with their test after their timeslot deadline has ended.
In the 'Submitted' section you can see the participants that have submitted their test. Participant will also be moved to 'Submitted' once the timeslot of the test has expired. If you click on the more_vert icon next to the participant, you have the option to change the additional time or move the participant back to busy.
lightbulb_outline The maximum number of participants that can be displayed at the taking overview is 1500 participants per column.
Progress overview
If you click on Progress during the test, you can see the percentage of participants that have completed each exercise.
Generate a one-time password token
In cases where a participant, for example, is not able to sign in to Ans or has to re-enter their assignment from a different computer, you can generate a one-time password token that they can use once in order to start or continue their digital test. At the participants overview, click the more_vert-icon next to the name of the participant. Click Generate one-time password token and click Generate. The one-time password will be displayed.
If students are unable to log in when Single Sign-On (SSO) is enforced, they will still have the option to log in using a generated one-time password.
Monitor participants during a live test
At the taking overview, it is possible to view when a participant started a test, when they last updated the test and the location from where the test is being taken. It is also possible to report incidents from this overview.
To monitor the participants during a live digital test, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click play_circle_outline Taking in the menu at the top. The page will open on the participants overview.
- Click on a participant's name to monitor the participant on the right side of the screen.
The interface on the right will show you when a student started on their test with the date and the time. It will also indicate the date and the time since the student last performed a recorded action.
If you have secured your digital test by setting up IP locations, it will display where the student is taking the test from. Otherwise, the general location of the IP address will be shown. This information is provided by IpApi.
Proctoring settings
Ans also has proctoring settings that can be enabled. These settings can report tab exiting and copy-pasting content in an assignment. Read more on adding proctoring settings to your digital test here.
Report incidents during a live digital test
If necessary, invigilators and instructors can report incidents during the test. Perhaps, the student displayed unusual or suspicious behaviour. The invigilator or instructor could report this as an incident. In addition to adding your own incidents, incidents can also be recorded when a participant exits the browser tab during the test and when participants copy-paste content during the test. These actions will show up as incidents in the play_circle_outline Taking page of the digital test. You will see report_problem x incident under the name of the participant.
To add a new incident to a participant and/or view previously reported incidents, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click settings Settings in the menu at the top.
- Click Proctoring in the menu on the left.
- Check the box Report tab exiting and Report copy-pasting content if applicable.
- Click play_circle_outline Taking in the menu at the top. The page will open on the participants overview.
- Click on a participant's name to monitor the participant on the right side of the screen.
- Click on add New next to Incidents and fill in the incident you want to report.
- Click Save.
Change additional time for a participant
During the taking session of a digital test, you have the option to add additional time to individual participants. This feature can be used in cases where a participant encounters a technical malfunction. Additional time must be granted during the taking session. The added time starts counting from when the participant begins the test. You cannot, for example, add an extra 30 minutes if the submission deadline has already passed. Additionally, it is not possible to add extra time before the participant has started the test.
To add extra time to an individual participant, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click play_circle_outline Taking in the menu at the top. The page will open on the participants overview.
- Click the more_vert-icon next to the participant's name.
- Click Change additional time.
- Enter the number of extra minutes you would like to add and click Save.
Upload a file for a participant after they have submitted a digital test
In instances where a participant has not correctly uploaded a file during a digital test, you have the option to add this file for them afterwards.
To upload a file for a participant after they have taken and submitted their digital test, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click policy Results in the menu at the top.
- Click on the result of the student you need to upload the file for.
- Click Files in the tab at the top.
- Click New file and upload the file of the student.
When the last timeslot has ended for your digital test, you can start reviewing.
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