In this article you will find information on the deletion of data within Ans. Some data within Ans can only be trashed and not removed. This is called soft deleted data. This means that this data is recoverable for 180 days. After that period, the data will be permanently deleted. Hard deleted data will be permanently deleted directly. In the list below you will find all soft deleted data. All other data not include in the list is deleted permanently. Soft deleted data includes:
- Results
- Users (will not be deleted permanently after 180 days)
- Courses
- Question banks
- Assignments
- Exercises (will not be deleted permanently after 180 days)
error_outline When removing a student: The student number will be retained and the associated results will be anonymised.
Removed courses, question banks and users can be found in the school settings. The results of students are also moved in the trash when a student is deleted. This makes the consequences of deleting students more visible. The result can however be restored without restoring the user. This can be done in the assignment settings under Removed results.
Removed assignments can be found in the course settings. The ability to restore an assignment depends on the privilege settings of your school. It may be that only an administrator can do this.
Results retention period [Add-on]
There is an add-on available for defining the minimum required time period for how long assignment results are kept. More information about this option can be found here.
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