The reviews feature allows employees to approve or disapprove a result. A review is visible in the platform as a status indicator of a result. It's a great feature to cooperate with other users of Ans in the grading process as a result can have multiple reviews. It is possible to add comments to a review when you are approving or disapproving it. It's also possible to only place a comment without a (dis)approval. Later on, you can change your review. In this article we will elaborate all possibilities of the reviews feature.
As mentioned above, a review is a status which can be added to a result. There are five status options:
The result has been approved and a done-icon will appear behind the review. It's possible to add a comment to the review. -
The result has been disapproved and a close-icon will appear behind the review. It's mandatory to add a comment to the review. -
If you do not want to (dis)approve a result, you can also choose to only comment on the review. A chat_bubble_outline-icon will appear behind the review. Comments will be visible in the result log, in case this feature is enabled. -
Review requested
It's possible to assign a review to another user. If the notification feature has been enabled, the user will receive a notification. If a review is assigned but has not been given yet, a brown dot will appear behind the review. -
Awaiting my review
If another user has asked you to perform a review, you will receive a notification of the request. A brown dot will appear behind the review.
When using the ProctorExam, the reviews feature is integrated between Ans and ProctorExam. Once a result is created in Ans, a review is automatically created and assigned to the ProctorExam user. After the review is given in ProctorExam, the status and comments are synced back to the corresponding review in Ans. More information on how the ProctorExam integration for reviews functions can be found in this article.
Give a review and assign a user to a review
To give a review and to assign a user to a review, follow the steps below.
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click beenhere Results in the menu at the top.
- Click on the blue result ID of the student you want to review.
- The result of the student will appear. Click on Review. A menu will appear. You can now choose to Comment, Approve or Disapprove the result.
- Click Submit.
You can also approve a result from the Results overview. To do so select the result by clicking on the checkbox and selecting check_circle Mark review as approved in the header. If you want to assign a review to another user, follow the steps below.
- Click the settings icon next to assignees. All other users that are added to the course and have authorisation to review will be visible. Click on the name of the user which you wish to assign. Acheck_box -icon will appear next to the name. You can also select multiple users.
- To withdraw the assignment of the review, click on the user again.
- Click anywhere outside the assigning menu to close the menu. Changes are saved automatically.
Users with a department administrator or administrator role have the possibility to dismiss reviews that were given by other users (both of other administrators, department administrators and instructors). Instructors do not have this possibility. A block-icon appears next to a review on the screenshot above. To dismiss a review, click on the block-icon and click on Confirm.
Reviews in the result overview
In the results menu, an overview of all results of students is shown. It is possible to see in one overview what the status of the review is and which other users have given a particular review by hovering over the icon of a review. Follow the steps below to see the reviews in the result overview.
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click beenhere Results in the menu at the top.
- Navigate to the student of which you wish to investigate the reviews of. Hover over the review icon. This icon differs per student and depends on the combination of reviews given. See more information below the screenshot.
If there are multiple reviews assigned to a result, it's possible that a combination of different review statuses are allocated to a result. The four status indicators are approved, disapproved, commented and pending. On the results overview, only one indicator is shown. The indicator that is shown in this overview depends on the given reviews. The following rules apply:
- If there is at least one pending review, the indicator shows pending.
- If there are no pending reviews and at least one disapproved review, the indicator shows disapproved.
- If there are no pending and disapproved reviews and at least one commented review, the indicator shows commented.
- If all reviews have the approved status, the indicator shows approved.
You can use the reviews filter to show the results with one particular review status. When you are on the results menu of a assignment, follow the steps below to use the filter.
- Click on the Reviews filter.
- Select the review status of which you want to see.
- The overview of results will automatically adjust.
- To deselect the filter or to switch to another review status, click on the Reviews filter again and either click on the activated review status or click on another review status.
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