When a digital test has been reviewed and the results have been made public, the participants of the test can view their results. When publishing the students' results, you can set the publication options. The publication options that are enabled and disabled, have an impact on what the students can see when viewing their results.
Keep in mind, that these publication options show for a digital test. To see the student's view for different publication options in a written assignment, click here.
Publication options from the students' view
Mark + Total points scored
The publication options 'Mark' and 'Total points scored' allow students to see their mark and the total amount of points they scored on their digital test. Both publication options are visible on the left side of the screen in which the mark is shown in green and the total points scored is shown in orange.
Points scored per question
Publishing the points scored per question allows students to see how many points they were awarded per question. The students will see an overview of the question numbers and the acquired points in the middle of the screen (green).
Question contents + Printable view of the published content
Allows students to view the exercises and questions of the digital test and to download their results to a printable view of the published content. The question content can be found in the middle of the screen (green). To be able to receive the printable view of the published content, the students need to click Export result, shown on the left (orange).
error_outline Due to moving the 'Export result' button to a different location, the option 'Printable view of the published content' is temporary disabled for students.
Given answers + Evaluation criteria + Model answers
For students to see their given answers and comments written on the digital test by the reviewer, they will have to click View answerschevron_right on the left side of the screen (yellow).
After clicking on View answerschevron_right the students will be able to see their given answers on the left side of the screen (yellow). On the right side of the screen, the students will see the model answer (green) and the criteria that they were awarded and also the criteria they were not awarded (orange). Students are also able to view comments added to the criteria by the reviewer.
If you wish for the students to also see the number of points they were awarded per criteria, you would need to enable the publication option 'Points scored per question' as well.
Score per learning objective + Comparison per objective
Allows participants to see the learning objectives if they were used by the instructor. Publishing the score per learning objective will show the student how they have scored on the learning objectives (green). If the publication option 'Comparison with average' is enabled, the student can compare their own score with the average score of all participants (orange).
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