play_circle_outline Check out how to publish results on our YouTube channel.
After your assignment has been reviewed, you can create a publication so the participants of the assignment can view their results. There are two ways to create a publication. The first option is to create a publication within the settings of your assignment. The second option is to create a publication via the results overview.
Publish the results via the settings of your assignment
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click settings Settings in the menu at the top.
- Click Publication in the menu on the left.
- Check the boxes that apply under 'Published content'.
- Click Add timeslot. A new dialog will open.
- Click the dropdown menu and select either all learners, a group or a class.
- Select the time window in which you want to make the publication available.
- Click Publish.
If you would like to make a new publication time window for a different group of students, click Add timeslot again.
Publish the results via the results overview
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click beenhere Results in the menu at the top.
- Next to the export button, Click Publish. A new dialog will open.
- Click the dropdown menu and select either all learners, a group or a class.
- Select the time window in which you want to make the publication available.
- Click Publish.
- You will then be brought to the Publication overview, where you can check or uncheck the boxes that apply under 'Published content'.
Availability of the publication
If you select to make the publication available directly, then the results will be directly published after clicking save.
Specific time window
If preferred, you can choose a specific time window for when participants can view their results.
Allow asking questions
Allows participants to ask questions about their exam from a certain date and time and until a certain date and time.
Send an email about the publication
If students have this option enabled in their email preferences, they will be notified of new publications.
Publication options
Below you will find the publication options you can enable and disable for your publication. If you wish to see the students view for the different publication options, click here for the students view in a digital test and here for the students view in a written assignment.
Preliminary result
Show preliminary result immediately after submission
Allows participants to view a preliminary result directly after submitting their assignment. The preliminary result shows the point score of automatically graded questions and the mark and letter grade of the assignment if the assignment is graded fully automatically. The preliminary result will be shown immediately after submission.
Publication timeslots
Add timeslot
As mention above, you can add the timeslot of the publication.
Published content
Allows participants to see their marks. -
Letter grade
Allows participants to see the letter grade. This option is only shown when the mark calculation type 'Table' is selected. Read more about marking with a table here. -
Total points scored
Allows participants to see the total amount of points they scored. -
Points scored per question
Allows participants to see how many points they were awarded per question. -
Question contents
Allows participants to view the exercises and questions of the assignment.-
Given answers
Allows participants to see their given answers and comments written on the assignment by the reviewer.-
Evaluation criteria
Allows participants to see the evaluation criteria in the grading scheme. They can see the criteria that they were awarded and also the criteria they were not awarded. Participants are also able to view comments added to the criteria by the reviewer.
Model answers
Allows participants to see the model answers given by the instructor in the grading scheme.
Printable view of the published content
This gives participants the option to download the results of their assignment and any feedback they received.
Evaluation criteria
Score per learning objective
Allows participants to see the learning objectives if they were used by the instructor.-
Comparison per objective
Allows participants to see the average score of all participants combined per objective.
Comparison per objective
Exclude exercises
This option can be used to exclude certain exercises from the publication. If flow is used in your digital test, the exercises are grouped per flow group. When excluding correctly answered exercises, all questions within that exercise has to be answered correctly in order for the exercise to be excluded.
Restricted access
Restricted access with an access code
An access code is necessary for participants to view their results. If this access code is changed during the publication, students that are already viewing the publication will be able to continue. Keep in mind that the access code for the publication is different from the access code for starting an assignment. -
Restricted access by limiting it to location(s)
This option is available to limit access to the publication to specific locations. This option is only available if your school has locations defined. -
Safe Exam Browser
To enable Safe Exam Browser for your publication, you must enable Safe Exam Browser for your digital test first. If Safe Exam Browser is enabled for your digital test, this will automatically secure your publication with Safe Exam Browser. No further settings need to be configured in the publication settings.
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