error_outline Your ability to perform these actions may depend on the privilege settings of your school. Please contact your school administrators if you do not have permission to perform certain actions.
From within your question bank assignment, you can perform different actions such as editing the name of your assignment or moving the assignment to a different question bank. Below you will find the steps on how to edit, move, remove and restore a question bank assignment.
Only a publisher is able to perform these actions for a question bank assignment. An author is only able to see the overview of question bank assignments, the assignment itself and the analytics of the assignment.
The first step in the process is to create a question bank assignment. As this can be done via different ways, a separate article is written about creating an assignment. After you have created a question bank assignment, you have the following options to manage your question bank assignment.
Copy a question bank assignment to a course
Once a question bank assignment is created, the next step is to copy the assignment to a course. Since students are linked to a course and not to a question bank, this action is necessary to make the assignment available for planning. After copying the assignment to your course, you will be able to schedule the assignment, adjust the settings and perform a last check to make sure the assignment is ready to be taken.
Copying the assignment to your course will make it possible to edit the assignment from within your course. However, the assignment is linked to your question bank. This means that you will be able to synchronise the exercises from the assignment to your question bank and vice versa when you make any adjustments. You will also be able to see the insights for each exercise that was used within an assignment.
Before you copy the question bank assignment to your course, you can first choose the assignment type. For example, a paper based assignment or a digital test. This is done via the assignment type option in the question bank assignment settings. If Ans detects that you are using a question type that is not suitable for the selected type, a warning will be shown, informing you of the questions that are not suitable. You can choose to ignore this message and Ans will try to convert the questions as best as possible.
To set the assignment type for a question bank assignment and then copy it to a course, follow the steps below:
- Click domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click folder Question banks in the menu at the top.
- Click on your question bank or use the search bar.
- Click on assignment Question bank assignments in the menu at the top.
- Click on the assignment you want to copy to a course.
- Click Settings in the menu at the top.
- Select an Assignment type from the dropdown menu.
- Go to the Actions-section and click Copy.
- Select the course you want to copy the assignment to and click Save.
Edit the question bank assignment settings
Once a question bank assignment has been created, either by generating it through a blueprint or by creating it from scratch, you can edit it from within the assignment. A question bank assignment can be edited at any time, except when you are using a protection rule. You will then first need to change the label before being able to edit the question bank assignment.
To edit a question bank assignment, follow the steps below.
- Click domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click folder Question banks in the menu at the top.
- Click on your question bank or use the search bar.
- Click on assignment Question bank assignments in the menu at the top.
- Click on the assignment you would like to edit.
- Click settings Settings in the menu at the top.
You are now able to change the name, add any test instructions and/or attachments and configure the mark calculation. To add, copy or remove any exercises from within the assignment, for instance when you see one or more exercises being marked as enemies, please refer to this article.
Duplicate a question bank assignment
The duplicate functionality makes it possible to duplicate your assignment within your question bank. A duplicate can be used if you want to have a slightly different version of the assignment for example.
To duplicate a question bank assignment, follow the steps below.
- Click domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click folder Question banks in the menu at the top.
- Click on your question bank or use the search bar.
- Click on assignment Question bank assignments in the menu at the top.
- Click on the assignment you would like to duplicate.
- Click settings Settings in the menu at the top.
- Click Duplicate and the question bank assignment will be duplicated.
You now have a duplicate of your assignment. This duplicate is not synchronised with the original, so any edits made will stay separate. When duplicating a question bank assignment, all information from within the assignment will be duplicated, including the settings. The exercises will be added to the assignment but they will not be duplicated in the exercises overview. You are able to see the insights from each assignment in which a question bank exercise was added.
Move a question bank assignment
The move-functionality makes it possible to move your assignment to another question bank. You will be able to move the assignment to any question bank that you have the publisher role in.
To move a question bank assignment, follow the steps below.
- Click domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click folder Question banks in the menu at the top.
- Click on your question bank or use the search bar.
- Click on assignment Question bank assignments in the menu at the top.
- Check the box next to the assignment you would like to move.
- Click the dropdown menu More and choose Move.
- Select the question bank you want to move the assignment to.
- Click Save.
Your question bank assignment has now been moved to a different question bank. This also means the objectives and insights have been moved to the chosen question bank. If the domain and/or objective name was not present in this question bank yet, they will be added. Only the people that are added to the question bank have access to the assignment, moving the assignment does not move the members of the question bank it originates from. The exercises that are in the moved question bank assignment will now also show up in the exercises overview of this question bank.
If your question bank assignment was generated based on a blueprint it is good to remember that this blueprint will not be moved along to the new question bank. You can attach any of the blueprints available in the new question bank from within your assignment.
Remove and restore a question bank assignment
If you no longer want to use a question bank assignment, you have the possibility to remove it. Removing the assignment will remove it from the overview and you will not be able to access it anymore. The assignment can always be restored from within the settings of the question bank.
To remove a question bank assignment, follow the steps below.
- Click domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click folder Question banks in the menu at the top.
- Click on your question bank or use the search bar.
- Click on assignment Question bank assignments in the menu at the top.
- Check the box next to the assignment you would like to remove.
- Click the dropdown menu More and choose Remove.
Removing the question bank assignment does not affect the assignments that were copied to a course. They will still be available and the exercises will stay connected with the question bank. If you want to be able to use the question bank assignment again, you can simply restore the removed assignment.
To restore a removed question bank assignment, follow the steps below.
- Click domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click folder Question banks in the menu at the top.
- Click on your question bank or use the search bar.
- Click settings Settings in the menu at the top.
- Click on Removed assignments in the menu on the left.
- Click on Restore next to the question bank assignment you want to restore.
If in the meantime you have updated the exercises that were added to this question bank assignment, this latest version will show in your restored question bank assignment. The same applies for updates to the objectives that were attached to the question bank exercises.
Add attachments to a question bank assignment
Attachments can be added to use as an attachment for staff or as an attachment for participants. A file or a link can be added as an attachment.
The following file-types can be used as an attachment, with a maximum file-size of 25MB:
- .zip
- .png, .jpg, .jpeg
- .xls, .xlsx, .csv
- .txt
- .py
- .mp3, .mp4
Uploading the following system files is prohibited:
- .exe
- .sh
- .php
- .bat
- .com
- .cmd
- .inf
- .ipa
- .osx
- .pif
- .run
- .wsh
If you wish to add one of the above system files as an attachment, the file must be compressed into a zip file before uploading.
By default, files are hidden from participants and can be set visible in the settings. If this setting is enabled, the files can be viewed by students during the taking-session.
Links are never visible for participants. They can be used as an alternative for uploading a file. This is mostly used when the file-size is greater than the upload limit of your school.
To add attachments to an assignment in a question bank, follow the steps below.
- Click domain School name in the menu on the left.
- Click folder Question banks in the menu at the top.
- Click on your question bank or use the search bar.
- Click assignment Question bank assignments in the menu at the top.
- Click on your assignment or use the search bar.
- Click settings Settings in the menu at the top.
- Click Attachments in the menu on the left.
- Click New attachment and upload a file.
Click the more_vert-icon and click Edit.
- It is possible to edit the name of the attachment.
- Click the dropdown menu Visibility* and choose Visible or Hidden. Choose visible if the attachment is for participants and choose hidden if the attachment is for staff.
- Check Participants can download this attachment during the test if you wish the attachment to be downloadable.
- To add a link, click New link and fill in a name and the URL.
- Click Create.
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