Ans provides the possibility to use HTML to format text for better look and feel. HTML can be used from within the rich content editor. The HTML part of the rich content editor can be accessed by clicking on the < > icon. We have provided a screenshot of the rich content editor when creating a question. The rich content editor is available in almost all parts of the platform where you can type longer parts of text, for example when creating questions, content or feedback.
To prevent security incidents, not all HTML is allowed in Ans. Below, you can find an overview of the tags and attributes that are allowed. There is no possibility to extend this list.
Tags (sorted alphabetically)
- a, abbr, acronym, address, audio
- b, big, blockquote, br
- cite, code
- dd, del, dfn div, dl, dt
- em
- figcaption, figure, font, formula
- h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr
- i, img, ins
- kbd
- li
- ol
- p, pre
- samp, small, source, span, strong, sub, sup
- table, tbody, td, th, thead, tr, tt
- u, ul
- var, video
Attributes (sorted alphabetically)
- abbr, alt
- cite, class, colour, colspan, contenteditable, controls, controlslist
- datetime
- height, href
- name
- src, style
- tabindex, target, time
- width
- xml:lang
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