Questions regarding the secured working environment by Schoolyear can be sent to their
- Sign in to Ans.
- Click on your course or use the search bar.
- Click on your assignment or use the search bar.
- Click on the digital test and you will be redirected to the start page of this test.
- Click Start.
- Schoolyear will close all running applications on your computer so make sure you have saved all your work before you start downloading Schoolyear. Click I saved all my work to start the downloading.
- Your download will automatically start and can be opened in the lower left corner of your screen.
- Run the system checks and you will be redirected to Ans automatically when you finished the checks. If your exam has not started yet, you will stay on the 'Load configuration' check until the timeslot has started.
- Click Start if you want to begin.
Please keep the following in mind:
- After the test is submitted, your answers cannot be changed any more.
- Schoolyear will need to be closed manually after submitting your assignment.
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