error_outline For any questions regarding your hand-in assignment or issues with submission, please reach out to your teacher or your student services.
With a hand-in assignment you can upload and submit one or more files to Ans.
You can upload the following file types, with 25MB as the maximum upload size per file:
- .zip
- .png, .jpg, .jpeg
- .xls, .xlsx, .csv
- .txt
- .py
- .mp3, .mp4
Uploading the following system files is prohibited:
- .exe
- .sh
- .php
- .bat
- .com
- .cmd
- .inf
- .ipa
- .osx
- .pif
- .run
- .wsh
If you wish to submit one of the above system files, the file must be compressed into a zip file before uploading.
Submit your hand-in assignment
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click Upload file and select your file.
- Click the more_vert-icon for more options.
- Click Submit.
- A dialog will open. Click Confirm. If you wish to unsubmit your file, you will need to contact your teacher.
Submit a new attempt
In instances where your teacher has enabled multiple attempts, you can submit your assignment multiple times. The amount depends on what has been set by your teacher.
- Navigate to your assignment.
- Click cloud_upload Upload in the menu at the top.
- Click New attempt.
- A dialog will open. Click Confirm.
- Click Upload file and select your file.
- Click the more_vert-icon for more options.
- Click Submit.
- A dialog will open. Click Confirm.
- You can switch between different attempts by clicking the dropdown menu Attempt x.
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