In this article, we will provide an explanation of the cover page of a written assignments. In the screenshot below, you see can see an example of a cover page. The sections will be explained thereafter. The language of the cover page is determined by your school.
Surname, First name
Here you will need to fill in your surname and first name.
Student number
You are required to provide your student number in two ways. You will need to write down your student number in the square boxes and also fill in your student number in the round numbered circles. Please cross or fully colour the correct numbers in the order of your student number. It is important to fill in both options incase the scanning process encounters difficulties in recognising your student number.
Date and time, assignment name and course name
Here the assignment name and the course name will be displayed. If a timeslot for the written assignment was added in Ans, the date & time will also be displayed. Most often, timeslots are not added in Ans for written assignments.
Exercise box
The exercise box provides an overview of the number of exercises included within the assignment. By referring to this box, you can quickly see the amount of exercises that are included within the assignment.
Multiple choice instructions
If your assignment includes multiple choice questions, you may see instructions on how to correctly fill in multiple choice questions. As seen in the screenshot, you can cross the correct answer. If you want to change your answer, please choose the option you wish to select by colouring the circle or square completely.
Circle checkboxes mean that there is only one correct answer. Square checkboxes mean that there may are multiple correct answers.
When colouring an answer, it's important to keep a few things in mind:
- Do not cross outside the circle
- Keep your colouring contained within the circle.
- Make sure the colouring is not too faint or light.
Serial number
This is the barcode number, which is similar to the QR code at the bottom of the page. During scanning, if the QR code cannot be read for any reason, this number can be filled in manually.
Test instructions
If your teacher has added test instructions, you will find these below the multiple choice instructions.
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