error_outline For any questions regarding your assignments, please reach out to your teacher.
After signing into Ans you will be directed to the overview page where you can see your published assignments, live assignments and scheduled assignments.
Published assignments
Your published assignments are assignments that you already took and for which the result has been made available.
Live assignments
Live assignments are assignments where the timeslot is currently happening, meaning you can start (or continue) these assignments. Assignments that are starting within one hour will also be displayed in your live assignments, making it easier to find an assignment that will be starting soon.
Scheduled assignments
Your scheduled assignments are planned assignments that will be live in the mentioned timeslot.
You can also find your assignment by using the search bar or clicking on your course. To find your assignment this way, follow the steps below.
- Click on the Ans logo in the top left corner to navigate to the dashboard.
- In the menu on the left, you will find a list of all the courses you are enrolled in.
- Click on the course that contains your assignment or use the search bar.
- Click on your assignment or use the search bar to find for your assignment.
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