If you are experiencing issues with Ans, it might be caused by caching issues in your browser. You can solve this by disabling your cache for a short time. Some known caching issues may include:
- Issues with signing in
- Issues were students can not begin a digital test
- Issues with students filling in answers or selecting multiple choice options
- Receiving the message 'The page you are looking for does not exist'.
- Issues with the search function
- Certain figures and formulas not being displayed in questions and descriptions
- Missing navigation buttons in the platform
- Adding members to your course or group
To disable your cache, follow the steps below.
- Open a new tab.
- Click more_vert-icon in the top right corner.
- Navigate to More tools and select Developer tools.
- A new panel will open.
- Click the tab Network.
- Check the box Disable cache.
If following these steps fixed the issue for you, you can uncheck the Disable cache option again.
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