error_outline The options that are visible and editable depends on the privilege settings of your school. Contact your administrator if you have any questions as to why certain options are not visible or editable.
Ans provides different options to manage your account. All settings that can be set, can be reached via the settings menu under your account. To navigate to the settings menu, follow the steps below.
- Click the account_circle-icon at the top right.
- Click settings Settings.
You will be directed to the settings menu. In this menu, you set different settings. In this article, all possible options related to your account are explained.
Under the menu Profile, you can update your name. You can make changes to your first name, middle name and last name. First name and last name are mandatory fields. Confirm your changes by clicking on Rename.
You can also set the language of the Ans platform for your account. When managing your language preferences, you can choose from either English, Dutch, German or French.
Lastly, you can set the time zone for your account. The dates and times of your assignments will reflect the timezone you have selected in your timezone settings. For both settings, use the dropdown menu and pick an option. The settings are saved after selecting an option.
Under the menu Communications, you can change your email address and change the type of emails you wish to receive from Ans. To update your email address, type in your new email address and click Update. Before signing in with your updated email address, you will first need to confirm your new email address. You will receive an invitation to do this directly after updating your email address.
Additionally, you have the option to be notified via email for certain events. As a student, you can choose to receive emails when:
- new results are published or scheduled to be published.
- your successfully submitted answers have been confirmed.
- messages you sent have been answered by an instructor.
To unsubscribe from email notifications, simply deselect the email notifications you no longer want to receive.
Under the menu Accessibility, you can disable keyboard shortcuts, which are enabled by default. This helps prevent accidental triggers, supports users with motor impairments or alternative input methods, such as voice control, eye tracking or adaptive keyboards.
Under the menu Security, you have the option to set a new password. The option to change your password is only applicable if your school does not enforce single sign-on. To change your password, fill in your new password. Your new password needs to meet the following criteria:
- Contains a number
- Contains a letter
- Contains an uppercase letter
- Length is at least 12 characters
After filling in your new password, fill in your current password in the second field. Click Change to change your password.
Login history
Under the menu Login history, you can view the dates and times of your log in attempts. The IP address, browser and operating system is also displayed.
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