Incident Summary
All times in the document are recorded in UTC+1 (CEST).
On the 6th of February, 2024, at 16:04, the support team received a ticket that described the possibility to receive full points for numerical questions if the question remained unanswered and the correct answer was exactly zero. At 16:37, the technical team discovered that empty answers were changed to 0.0 instead of being seen as unanswered. On the 7th of February at 9:14, a hotfix was released to prevent the issue from occurring again. Moreover, an investigation was started to determine the impact.
The support team received a ticket on February 6th, at 16:04. In this ticket, the sender reported that unanswered numerical questions would give the participants full points if the correct answer was zero.
During the investigation, it was discovered that this issue was introduced on December 11th, 2023. On this date, a hotfix was released which fixed another issue where the answers of numeric questions were compared as strings instead of decimals.
An impact analysis was performed by the technical team in order to find the results that were affected. This analysis was scoped to December 11th as this was the date the change for the answer comparison was released. The results from this analysis, are as follows:
- A total of 707 submitted results were found to be affected among 67 assignments.
The findings of the user who sent the ticket had been investigated and confirmed. Once the issue had been confirmed, a hotfix was created and deployed to prevent the issue from occurring.
The support team forwarded the ticket to the technical team on the 6th of February, 2024, at 16:34. The technical team immediately investigated the issue. Once the issue was confirmed, a hotfix was developed and then deployed the next day. The technical team started with an impact analysis after the hotfix had been released.
Ans will provide a list of impacted results to the institutions that were affected by the issue and offer the possibility to rectify the results.
6th of February
- 16:04 - Support team receives ticket containing the issue
- 16:30 - Support team forwards the issue to the technical team
- 16:37 - Issue is confirmed by the technical team and a hotfix is created
7th of February
- 09:32 - Hotfix has been deployed to the production environment
12th of February
- 09:21 - Start of impact analysis
14th of February
- 16:35 - Impact analysis finalised and shared with the support team
19th of February
- 15:54 - Findings shared with the CSM team
The steps taken in the handling of this incident were followed in procedural order. The impact analysis took longer to finalise as there was a significant amount of data to process. We have included an internal test alongside the hotfix which will be run in our continuous integration process to prevent the issue from occurring again.
1 comment
What's a CSM team exactly? Is this the customer succes management team?
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