With our API it is possible to integrate Ans within your application landscape. The API documentation should give you information on how you can manage different endpoints.
While using our application, some entities are mandatory to be used in order to manage specific entities. For example: if you want to provision assignments, it's mandatory to link the assignment to a course. To give insight in the data model of Ans, we have provided a schematic overview of the data model below. In this data model the different entities are visible in blue. Within an entity, the primary key (top attribute, centered) and foreign keys are shown. Additionally, the relationship to other entities is described, along with the type of relationship. For example, a 1:n relationship means the entity where 1 is visible can contain multiple entities of the entity where n is visible.
If we take the example of the relationship between courses and assignments (1:n), 1 course can contain multiple assignments, whereas an assignment can only belong to 1 course.
We have provided the data models below. Two data models have been provided, the first data model concerns the school side of Ans where the actual taking of the assignment including reviewing takes place. The second data model concerns the question bank part of Ans.
For readability, we advise you to download the image or open it in a new tab.
Data model 1: School side of Ans
Data model 2: Question bank side of Ans
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