Angela Konijn Customer Success Manager

  • Total activity 147
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  • Followed by 2 users
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Recent activity by Angela Konijn Recent activity Votes
  • Free formatted question

    lightbulb_outline This question type can be used in a written assignment only. A free formatted question allows you to create your own format for a question, which will not be boxed. The question r...

  • Schedule an assignment

    error_outline Your ability to perform these actions may depend on the privilege settings of your school. Please contact your school administrators if you do not have permission to perform certain ...

  • Manage question banks

    A question bank often contains a collection of exercises that belong to the same subject, field of education or study. You can use question banks to collaborate on exercises with your colleagues. Y...

  • Open question with final answer

    lightbulb_outline This question type can be used in a written assignment only.  The open question with final answer is a question type that is mostly used if the correct answer awards full points. ...

  • Hotspot match question

    lightbulb_outline This question type can be used in a digital test only. For written assignments, please check out the image question type article. With the hotspot match question, participants are...

  • Hotspot question

    lightbulb_outline This question type can be used in a digital test only. For written assignments, please check out the image question type article. With a hotspot question, participants are require...

  • Evaluation form question

    lightbulb_outline This question type can be used in a hand-in assignment and appraisal form only.  The evaluation form question is a question type that can be added to a hand-in assignment and an a...

  • Archiving results

    As our platform accumulates data over time, the importance of archiving data in the platform becomes more apparent. Archiving results means that the result is read-only and cannot be changed in any...

  • Manage your employee account

    error_outline The options that are visible and editable depends on the privilege settings of your school. Contact your administrator if you have any questions as to why certain options are not visi...

  • Manage question bank exercises

    error_outline Your ability to perform these actions may depend on the privilege settings of your school. Please contact your school administrators if you do not have permission to perform certain a...