Angela Konijn Customer Success Manager

  • Total activity 135
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  • Following 0 users
  • Followed by 2 users
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  • Subscriptions 46


Votes on activity by Angela Konijn Recent activity Votes
  • View reactions to your questions

    Once your teacher has answered your question, you can view their response by following the steps below. Click on your course or use the search bar in the Courses-section.  Click on your assignmen...

  • View insights in a question bank

    In your question bank, it is possible to gain insights into both your assignments and your exercises. The insights are based on all usages of the assignment and exercises.  View insights in your as...

  • Delete your account

    Deletion of your Ans account can only be performed by an administrator of your school. You will need to contact your school to  request account deletion.

  • Question bank exercise options

    Once you have created your question bank exercise, there are different options available. Below you can find an overview of all these options. To go to a question bank exercise, follow the steps be...

  • Manage question bank exercises

    error_outline Your ability to perform these actions may depend on the privilege settings of your school. Please contact your school administrators if you do not have permission to perform certain a...

  • Create a written assignment

    play_circle_outline  Check out how to create a written assignment on our  YouTube channel. To create a written assignment, follow the steps below. Click domain School name in the menu on the left...

  • How to start a digital test

    Before you start your digital test in Ans, be sure that you are using the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.  Often, you will need to conduct your digital test using the following...

  • Objectives insights

    By viewing the objectives insights of an assignment, you can see to what extent the students understood each learning goal and each objective. This can give insight into what learning goals or topi...

  • Forgot password

    error_outline The option to reset your password via 'Forgot your password?'  is only applicable if your school does not support single sign-on. If you have forgotten your password for signing into ...

  • Edit the layout of your written assignment

    When creating a written assignment, you might want to edit the layout of your written assignment. It is possible to edit the information from the cover page and from the exercises.  To edit the lay...